Andrew Orta (PhD Chicago, 1996) is professor of Anthropology and Latin American and Caribbean Studies, with affiliate appointments in Global Studies and with the Center for Social and Behavioral Sciences. He is Interim Director of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (2018-present), where he was previously Director from 2009-2011, and he served as Head of the Department of Anthropology from 2011-2016. He has conducted field research with Aymara communities of the Bolivian highlands since 1989, with additional field research experience in Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, and the United States. As Head of Anthropology, he helped develop a program in Engaged and Applied Anthropology, including community-focused research and internship opportunities for students. He is the author of dozens of journal articles and book chapters, appearing in such journals as American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, and Cultural Anthropology. Recent publications include, Making global MBAs: The culture of business and the business of culture Berkeley: The University of California Press, 2019; “Indigenous Christianities: Commensuration, (de)colonization, and cultural production in Latin America” in The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Christianity, Orique O.P, David Thomas, Susan Fitzpatrick-Behrens, and Virginia Garrard, eds. Oxford University Press, 2020; and Imagining the unmanageable: MBAs at the limits of neoliberalism. Culture, Theory and Critique. Instruction and Improvisation Under Neoliberalism: Essays in Honor of Bonnie Urciuoli, Ilana Gershon and Chaise LaDousa, guest editors, 60(1)[2019]:50-65.